About us

Quality Service

Our clients are our top priority as we strive to provide quality services that meet their expectations. We’re an indispensable part of the supply-value chain in terms of distribution, fulfilling orders, and delivering end-products authorised by quality control tests.

Our Commitments

  • Seamless coordination across supply chain
  • Fast response / turnaround rate
  • Flexible, adaptable, specialised
  • Nimble in services and customisation

Our Competitive Strengths

  • Experienced and committed management team
  • High standards of services
  • Strong and close relationships with our customers
  • Broad and comprehensive range of PPIM services at competitive pricings in Malaysia and PRC

Value-Added Service

We are a one-stop, holistic and comprehensive solutions provider. As suppliers of niche components and products, we take pride in our value-added services to ensure quality at all costs. We provide direct moulding and other PPIM-related services to global customers across SEA in consumer electronics, computer peripheral, automotive and household appliance industries.

Contact us now to get a quotation!

Make us your business partner. Give us a call or email us at enquiry@jihldgs.com to discuss opportunities!